In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the identification data of the entity are detailed below:
Tradename: TININO
NIF: B67743708
Address: C/ Alcalá 412 CC Alcalá Norte 1o L40 - 28027 - Madrid - Teléfono: 910147937
registered in:
The purpose of the website is to promote the products and or services of INVERSIONES MADCITY SL (hereinafter TININO).
This legal notice regulates the use of the webiste:
In general, the relations between TININO and the Users of its telematic services, present on this website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
The User is informed, and accepts, that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a business relationship with TININO or any of its delegations.
The intellectual property rights of the content of the web pages, theis graphic design and codes are owned by TININO and, therefore, their reproduction, distribution, pulic communication, transformation or any other activty that can be carried out with the contents of its web pages, not even citing the sources, except with the wirtten consent of TININO.
TININO reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in its web pages and may even limit or deny access to said information to certain users.
TININO does not assume any responsibility for the information contained in third party web pages that can be accessed through "links" or links from any web page owned by TININO. The presence of "links" or links on the web pages of TININO is for informational purposes only and in nocase does it imply a suggestion, invitatino or recommendation on them.
The purpose of this cookie plicy is to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies used on our website
A cookie is a small file or piece of text that the website you visit send to the browser and that allows the website to remember information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other optinos, in order to facilitate your next visit and make the site more useful to you.
Cookies play a very important role and contribute to a better browsing experience for the user.
Depending on who is the entity that manages the domain from where the cookies are sent and the data obtained is processed, two types can be distinguished:
According to the period of time that they remain stored in the client's browser, two types can be distinguished:
Depending on th epurpose for which the data obtained is processed, five types can be distinguished:
The cookies used on the web are identified below as well as their type, duration and function, etc.
The conversation time of cookies will depend on the type in question and will always be the minimum necessary to fulfill their purpose.
When you visit our website for the first time, we will show you a pop-up window with an explanation about cookies. As soon as you click «Accept» or «Save preferences» , you agree that we use the categories of cookies and plugins that you have selected in the pop-up window, as described in this cookie policy. You can disable the use of cookies through your browser, but please bear in mind that our website may stop working properly.
You have the following rights with respect to your personal data:
• You have the right to know why your personal data is needed, what will happen to it and how long it will be kept.
• Roght of access: you have the right to access your personal data that we know.
• Right of rectification: you have the right to complete, rectify, erase or block your personal data whenever you wish.
• If you give us your consent to process your data, you have the right to revoke that consent and to have your personal data deleted.
• Right to transfer your data: you have the right to request all your personal data from the person responsible for the treatment and to transfer them in full to another person responsible for the treatment.
• Right of opposition: you can oppose the processing of you data. We comply with this, unless there are good reasons for the processing.
To exercise these rights, please contact us. Please see the contact details at the bottom of this cookie policy. If you have a complaint about how we handle your data, we would like you to let us know, but you also have the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority (the data protection authority).
You can use your Internet browser to delete cookies automatically or manually. You can also specify that certain cookies cannot be placed. Another option is to change the settings of your Internet browser so that you receive a message each time a cookie is placed.
For more information on these options, consult the instructions in the «Help» section of your browser.
Please note that our website may nor function properly if all cookies are disabled. If you delete the cookies from your browser, we will inform you again and request your consent when you visit our website again.
For questions and/or comments about our cookies policy and this statement, please contact us using the following contact details:
Address: C/ Alcalá 412 CC Alcalá Norte 1o L40 - 28027 - Madrid
Telephone: 910147937